Over the years, I've heard and read of so many 'God coincidences' - moments when God steps in, in an amazing and unexpected way. maybe a 'chance' meeting with someone that changes everything.
Here is one from the autobiography of Johnny Cash:
"I was walking down 57th
Street with June one Sunday morning when we happened on the First Baptist
Church of New York, which we hadn't noticed before because its entrance doesn't
look like a church's. We saw from a sign outside that services were just about
to start, so we went in, and the strangest thing happened. The congregation was
seated as we entered, but about halfway down the aisle a young boy was turned
around watching the door. He saw us, immediately jumped up, and yelled,
"JOHNNY CASH! Johnny Cash has come to church with me!"
As it happened, the only free seats were right next to him
and his parents, so we took them, and that's when we saw that the boy was
mentally handicapped. He was so excited. "I told you!" he kept saying
to his parents. "I told you he was coming!"
The preacher came over and explained to us that, yes, the
boy had told his parents, and the whole congregation, repeatedly that I was
going to walk into that church, sit down beside him, and worship with him. And
that's what I did. Being next to him was such a pleasure. He was so happy.
When the service was over, we walked down to the corner
with him and his parents, and they filled in the story. They were Jewish, they
said, but their son had decided to become a Christian after listening to some
of my gospel recordings. That's why they were in a Christian church on a Sunday
morning. They were in that particular Christian church
because that's where he knew I was going to walk in the door."