Two Giant Steps

Most of our journey through life is made in small steps.
What the writer Eugene Peterson calls ‘A Long Obedience in the Same Direction.’
A coffee here, a meal there. A conversation one day, a car journey the next.
Small integral parts of life’s direction.

Occasionally, a giant step comes along. For us two have come
at once.

The first is the start of KingsGate Community Church Leicester. Our first (amazing!) meeting was last night. As someone who had
spoken often of the possibility of KingsGate planting a new church into
Leicester, it is the realisation of a dream. And a giant step.

The other giant step comes as we drop our youngest child,
Lois, off at Heathrow later today, as she starts her long obedience in the same
direction. She is travelling out to Bulembu in Swaziland to serve as a long
term missionary. For us, it means an empty house for the first time, with the
other three children having already moved away.

Two giant steps. Two key moments in our lives. And fuel for
the journey as we continue our own long obedience.

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