It’s a couple of weeks after Joe Biden became President. And
the conspiracy theories are still flying. Trump was cheated. Biden is a
paedophile. And a favourite Christian one – the vaccine for Covid is the Mark
of the Beast.
All these conspiracies are the result of rabbit holes. By
that I mean, when we have a certain point of view, we tend to go down a hole
and surround ourselves with like-minded people. That’s all well and good if we were
also to be surrounded with other views, including the actual news from trusted
sources. But rabbit holes don’t allow for that.
The sadness of recent times is that many who have a strong
view have turned to conspiracy theories to support their view. These theories give
a perception of control by providing a channel for anger or fear.
The result is an even stronger view with those same people
then removing themselves entirely from any contrary views. If, for example, I
were to post onto a Facebook thread of someone saying that Trump won the
election and highlighted a neutral news article that showed otherwise, it’s
likely that I would be asked not to post at all on that thread.
Hence there can be no argument, only one point of view.
This has become worse still with many taking themselves off
the broader reach social media such as Facebook and Twitter and joining lesser
known services such as Telegram, Gab and Parler (the latter now closed), that
tend to specialise in conspiracy theories. Deeper rabbit holes in other words. It
means that people are being misled and lied to. They are surrounding themselves
with those lies and - of course - no one else can possibly be correct.
We have a social media problem. Already Facebook sends us
posts it thinks we might like, along with adverts we may respond to. So there
is an immediate filter supporting our views and limiting access to contrary
views. The new social media families are taking this a stage further.
As a consequence, people genuinely believe some of the QAnon
theories in the States. Crazy stuff. No, Hilary Clinton does not sacrifice
I saw a sad one the other day that leached out onto Facebook
from one of the new sites. A right-wing website plagiarized an Associated Press
article to falsely claim that Pope Francis was arrested on human trafficking
charges. And thousands believed it. Seemingly they still do.
I love the post from my friend Anna (shown here). Yes,
believe in the mainstream media. Make sure you get your news from a variety of
sources. And allow those with different views to interact with you.
No more rabbit holes!