Words of Truth in a Time of Fear

He’s got you. And He’s not letting go.

He knows when you sit down and when you get up. He knows
what you’re thinking and wants you to know He is protecting you. In fact He’s
got you hemmed in with his love and kindness. He is your refuge – you are
sheltered under His wings.

There’s a path set out for you and nothing is going to push
you off track. No sickness or virus can be greater than His purposes for you.
He restores health and heals wounds. He delivers you from the deadly pandemic.
He has already rescued you from dead-end alleys and dark dungeons.

He knew you before you were born; chosen before the
foundation of the world. He formed you – you are wonderfully made. You were
chosen by Him before your first breath. He made you, loved you and wanted you
as His child. You are wanted and loved; you are not a mistake or a surprise.

He has blessed you with every spiritual blessing. You are
chosen, predestined, adopted, redeemed, forgiven. He took all the broken and
dislocated pieces of your life and fixed them together in vibrant harmonies. Grace
has been lavished on you. He has sealed you with his Holy Spirit within you. His
Spirit in you confirms who you really are.

Don’t be anxious about your life. He cares for the sparrow –
how much greater is His care for you! He clothes the fields with beauty – how much
more will he care for you and clothe you! You are not forgotten. On the
contrary, he knows all about you, even to the number of hairs on your head.

His plans for you are good – you have a hope and a future
with Him. He has abundant life for you. This resurrection life you received
from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. It's adventurously expectant. His
thoughts are for you and are more than the sands of the sea.

Where could you go? He’s there – wherever you go.

He’s got you. And He’s not letting go.

If you have a Christian faith, every word above applies to
you. If you are on a spiritual journey, every word written can also be true for

The words are from the Bible: Psalm 139, Ephesians 1, Psalm
91, Deuteronomy 7:15, Jeremiah 29:11, 30:17, John 10:10, Colossians 1:13, 18-20,
Romans 8:15-17, Luke 12:6, Matthew 6: 25-31.

Take time to think on them. In this time of fear and
pandemics, allow the truth to bring assurance.

Turn off the phone and tv. Find a comfy chair in a quiet
corner. Read aloud the Bible words set out above. And let God’s blessing rest
on you.

And remember. He’s got you. And he’s not letting go.

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