At the age of 17, I heard God speak to me. Your views on
this will depend on who you are and what you believe. For me it was a very real
moment- the only time (so far!) I have heard God audibly speak to me.

I responded by trying a few Christian agencies, but nothing
At college I met my future wife. Roh is of Indian origin. I
reasoned India had come to me – I didn’t have to go anywhere!
And then, nearly 30 years later, Roh and I are in a Christian
meeting. The leader of the meeting calls anyone to the front who has a heart
for India. We went forward, expecting to be praying for the country. The next
thing we know, someone (who doesn’t know us and is not aware of the back story)
is prophesying over us and sending us out to India!
We went there a few months later with some experienced
missionaries. I expected, because of the call in my youth, that there would be
some longer term relationships established. And that’s just what happened. The moment
I met Joel, a pastor and apostle who lives near Hyderabad, I felt God prompting
me that this was the man I would work with.
Joel and I have worked together for nearly 20 years now. Roh
and I have taken many teams. But right now we can’t.
As India celebrates 70 years of independence, it is also facing
increased persecution of Christian’s and Muslims. There is extensive violence
and a Government who appear to be turning a blind eye to it.
It is no longer safe to take teams out to help with medical camps
and children’s clubs. Hindu fundamentalists are causing widespread persecution.
Seventy years ago, India became independent. It may no
longer be the jewel in the crown of the British Empire, but it is surely still
a jewel in God’s crown:
The LORD their God
will save his people on that day as a shepherd saves his flock. They will
sparkle in his land like jewels in a crown.’ Zechariah 9: 16.
I pray that despite the persecution, the church will stay
strong, knowing God’s care and protection.