If the Bible has a throwaway line, it has to be this:
'He also made the stars.'
It's in Genesis chapter one, amidst verses that describe God's creation. There's a lot about light and sun and sea and land and trees and birds... and in the middle, in verse sixteen.... he also made the stars.
What does this actually mean? When I travel to New York from London, it takes me seven hours at 500 miles per hour. If I travelled at the same speed to the moon, it would take me three weeks. At the same speed to the sun? Twenty-one years. The edge of the Solar System? 900 years. The furthest reaches of space.... That would take me, travelling at 500 miles per hour, around twenty quadrillion years. (That's a 20 with 15 noughts after it!)
How amazing that a God that does 'big', also does 'small' and cares for me!
Here's a video that gives you some idea of the immensity of space- and how small we are in comparison.
He also made the stars.
(There's more on this in my book God-Life: chapter 4)