When you drive to the polling station on Thursday, your way
will not be blocked. Your children will not be kidnapped whilst you are out.
There will be no indiscriminate gunfire as you queue. No one will take you into
the booth and force you to put a cross by a certain name.

We live in a free democracy. But we need to keep it that way.
Don’t assume for a moment that your vote doesn’t matter. No vote is wasted. It’s
a statement that we’re free. Free to vote. Free to choose.

Far beyond our own political views, beyond the choice of
a candidate or the success of a candidate, is the fact that we are free to vote
in the first place. A privilege many in the world today do not have.

Don’t squander the chance. Don’t throw away your right to
vote. Don’t stay home. Go to the polling station. Put your cross on the ballot

Vote on Thursday.

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